07879 775977


My first encounter with wholistic therapies was in the early 1990’s when my daughter got recurring throat infections and it was suggested I take her to a Reflexologist.

I was so impressed with my daughter’s improvement, that I did a short course enabling me to treat family and friends.

In the late 1990’s, a friend encouraged me to train professionally in reflexology and the start of a new career was born.

Then I started my journey as a therapist, gaining the following qualifications:

  • 1999 – Diploma in Anatomy & Physiology, and Reflexology, at Cambridge Regional College
  • 2002 – Indian Head Massage
  • 2004 – Advanced Reflexology Training with Tony Porter (ART).
  • 2006 – Further qualifications in Pre-conception, Pregnancy & Post Natal Care
  • 2007 – Hopi Ear Candling

I have also completed Reiki, Levels 1 & 2, to add to my treatments and I am fully committed to further developing my knowledge by attending regular workshops and seminars.

Teresa-Collins-posterPlease print or download my flyer, if you’d like to promote my therapies.



Contact me for more details. A perfect gift for a friend.